Forming simulator Gleeble 3800-GTC

The Gleeble 3800-GTC from DSI is a physical forming simulator that can be used to investigate the thermomechanical deformation behaviour of materials. Tensile and compression tests with a maximum force of 200 kN at temperatures up to 1,500 °C and punch speeds up to 2,000 mm/s are possible. Thus, the Gleeble 3800-GTC is also suitable for the physical simulation of solid forming processes. In addition, a wide range of different sample sizes and geometries can be used. Conductive heating of the samples allows heating speeds of up to 10,000 K/s to be realised. In addition, controlled cooling by liquid or gaseous cooling media, with cooling rates of up to 10,000 K/s, is possible. In combination with the precise measuring method of a dilatometer, phase transformations of metals can thus be analysed.
In addition, the 35050 torsion unit is available at IFUM for the Gleeble. This allows materials to be tested under torsional loads of up to 112 Nm with superimposed tensile or compressive loads in the range of ± 5 kN at a maximum speed of 1,500 rpm. Here, too, thermo-mechanical treatment of the specimens can take place via controlled conductive heating or cooling by liquid or gaseous media.
Feasible experiments and experimental parameters:
- Recording of temperature-dependent flow curves
- Recording of structure-dependent flow curves
- Creation of (D-)CCT diagrams
- Welding simulations (HAZ simulation (Heat affected Zone), SICO test (Strain Induced Crack Opening))
- Determination of the linear thermal expansion coefficient
- Physical heat treatment simulation of sheet materials (max. 50x260 mm)
- Recording of temperature-dependent flow curves
- Recording of structure-dependent flow curves
- Generation of (D-)CCT diagrams
- Welding simulations (HAZ-Simulation (Heat affected Zone), SICO-Test (Strain Induced Crack Opening))
- Determination of the linear thermal expansion coefficient
- Physical heat treatment simulation of sheet materials (max. 50x260 mm)
Technical data / equipment:
Parameter | Range |
Max. stamping speed | 2,000 mm/s |
Max. stroke | 125 mm |
Temperature range | 20 °C – 1,500 °C |
Max. tractive force | 100 kN |
Max. press force | 200 kN |
Max. heating speed | 10,000 K/s |
Max. cooling speed | 10,000 K/s |
Heating method | Resistance Heating |
Temperature measurement | Up to four thermocouples per sample |
Strain measurement | crosswise or lengthwise to the sample |
Ambient medium | vacuum, inert gas, atmosphere |
Parameter | Range |
Max. torsional moment | 112 Nm |
Max. overlaid tension-compression force | 5 kN |
Max. number rotation | infinite |
Max speed | 1,500 rpm |