Confocal LED-Microscop – Smartproof Fa. ZEISS

The Smartproof 5 is a microscope with which nano- and microscopic topographies can be measured using confocal LED technology. With the help of the automated routines and the high accuracies, topographies can be documented over a wide area and repeatable.
ZEISS: "The wide-field confocal technology of Smartproof 5 offers a higher throughput compared to conventional point-scanning confocal microscopes. This is made possible by the spinning disk technology with aperture correlation integrated in the detector module of Smartproof 5."
By means of the optical measuring method and the evaluation software ConfoMap, based on MountainsMap, various three-dimensional methods of analysis can be realised, such as the generation of surface roughness values, profile analyses and micro-/nanoscopic volume calculations. All results can be evaluated according to various German or international standards and norms. The results can be prepared in numerical tabular and graphic form.
Examples of practical application:
- Roughness measurements (2D/3D)
- Quality control
- Adhesion volume identifications
- Crack analyses
- Layer thickness measurements of lubricating films
- Hologram characterisation
- Automated geometry recognition
- Analysis of material composite at hybrid components
Technical data/equipment
Parameter | Bereich |
Current magnifications (lenses) | 2,5x, 5x and 20x |
Image resolution | 2048 × 2048 Pixel |
Frame rate of the camera | 50 pictures/Sek. bei 2048 × 2048 Pixels |
Light source Confocal imaging | 405 nm-LED |
Light source Colour imaging |
Lateral measurement uncertainty | 0,1 µm ± 0,008 x L |
Vertical measurement uncertainty |
0,1 µm ± 0,012 x L |
Maximum component weight | 5 kg |
Maximum component height | 10 cm |