Zeige Ergebnisse 761 - 780 von 816
Behrens BA, Ahrens M, Poelmeyer J. Determination of the forming machine properties in a machine model for a coupled simulation. in Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications: COMPLAS IX. Band 1. Barcelona: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE. 2007. S. 104-107
Behrens BA, Kamp M, Sidhu KB. Experimental and numerical investigations for an optimum relative clearance in blanking. in Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications: COMPLAS IX. Band 2. Barcelona: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE. 2007. S. 696-699
Behrens BA, Gastan E, Lange F. Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Kennzeichnung von Sinterteilen mittels gezielt eingebrachter Fremdpartikel. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2007 Okt;38(10):816-820. Epub 2007 Okt 12. doi: 10.1002/mawe.200700208
Behrens BA, Knigge J, Huinink T, Pfeiffer I. Forming of magnesium alloys for aeronautical application. Metall. 2007;61(9):548-553.
Behrens BA, Lüken I, Odening D, Bistron M, Müller S. Forschungstrends in der Warmmassivumformung. in Massivumformung: Produkte - Partner - Perspektiven. Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf. 2007. S. 71-82. (VDI Berichte).
Behrens BA, Pfeiffer I. Geschmiedete Komponenten aus Magnesium - Optimierte Eigenschaften durch Anpassung der Prozessparameter. Metall. 2007;61(9):543-547.
Behrens BA, Lau P, Wilde I. Gratloses Präzisionsschmieden von Langteilen: Ergebnisse einer Wirtschaftlichkeitsstudie. ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb. 2007;102(12):862-866. doi: 10.3139/104.101232
Behrens BA, Ahrens M, Poelmeyer J. Improving the accuracy of numerical investigations of sheet metal processes by coupling a process FE-analysis and a machine simulation. in Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications: COMPLAS IX. Band 1. Barcelona: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE. 2007. S. 321-324
Behrens BA, Schmidt I. Improving the properties of forged magnesium parts by optimized process parameters. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2007 Jun 12;187-188:761-765. Epub 2007 Jan 3. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2006.11.057
Behrens BA, Kueper A. Investigation of deviations of the lock-position of dies due to unsteady thermal conditions. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2007 Jun 12;187-188:6-9. Epub 2007 Jan 9. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2006.11.224
Behrens BA, Bach FW, Möhwald K, Kueper A. Investigation of steel-compound parts manufactured by indirect impact extrusion. in TMS 2007 Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Energy Production, Global Innovations Symposium. Warrendale, Pa.: TMS. 2007. S. 38-45
Behrens BA, Schäfer F, Bistron M. Investigations on Forging Dies with Ceramic Inserts by means of Finite-Element-Analysis. in NUMIFORM '07: Materials Processing and Design; Modeling, Simulation and Applications. American Institute of Physics. 2007. S. 999-1004. (AIP Conference Proceedings). Epub 2007 Mai 25. doi: 10.1063/1.2740941
Behrens BA, Hübner S, Sunderkötter C, Knigge J, Weilandt K, Voges-Schwieger K. Local Strain Hardening of Sheet and Solid Forming Components during Formation of Martensite in Metastable Austenitic Steels. Advanced Materials Research. 2007;22:5-15. Epub 2007 Aug 15. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.22.5
Behrens BA, Gastan E, Lange F. Materials: Powder-metallurgical production increasingly attractive. Wire. 2007;57(5):28-29.
Behrens BA, Sidhu KB. Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Ductile Crack Propagation in Blanking Process Using Modified Nodal Release Method. Key Engineering Materials. 2007;344:201-208. Epub 2007 Jul 15. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.344.201
Behrens BA, Hagen T, Röhr S, Sidhu KB. Numerical Simulation of Damage during Forging with Superimposed Hydrostatic Pressure by Active Media. in NUMIFORM '07: Materials Processing and Design; Modeling, Simulation and Applications. Band 1. American Institute of Physics. 2007. S. 1023-1028. (AIP Conference Proceedings). Epub 2007 Mai 25. doi: 10.1063/1.2740945
Behrens BA, Doege E, Reinsch S, Telkamp K, Daehndel H, Specker A. Precision forging processes for high-duty automotive components. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2007 Apr 30;185(1-3):139-146. Epub 2006 Jun 19. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2006.03.132
Behrens BA, Kueper A, Bistron M, Bach FW, Möhwald K, Deißer TA. Reduction of Wear by a TiBN Multilayer Coating. in Advanced Ceramics Coatings and Interfaces. Band 2. 2007. S. 125-134. (Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings; 3). doi: 10.1002/9780470339510.ch13
Behrens BA, Hagen T, Röhr S, Sidhu KB. Selective Strain Hardening of Structure Components by Action Media Based Cold Massive Forming. Advanced Materials Research. 2007;22:57-65. Epub 2007 Aug 15. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.22.57
Behrens BA, Röhr S. Umformtechnik - Faltenbildung bei der Massivumformung vermeiden. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion. 2007;149(5):67-70.