Zeige Ergebnisse 281 - 300 von 823
Behrens BA, Chugreev A, Matthias T, Poll G, Pape F, Coors T et al. Manufacturing and Evaluation of Multi-Material Axial-Bearing Washers by Tailored Forming. Metals. 2019 Feb;9(2):232. Epub 2019 Feb 15. doi: 10.3390/met9020232, 10.15488/4747
Behrens BA, Volk W, Chugreev A, Till M, Maier D, Büdenbender C. Numerical investigation of thermal and mechanical deviations in a hot forging process of 16MnCr5 and 42CrMo4 steel. in METAL 2019: 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Conference Proceedings. TANGER Ltd. 2019. S. 296-301 doi: 10.37904/metal.2019.693
Behrens BA, Chugreev A, Hootak M. Numerical investigations of tool life in thixoforging in consideration of the workpiece in the semi-solid state. in Proceedings 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. TANGER Ltd. 2019. S. 361-366. (Metal Conference Proceedings). doi: 10.37904/metal.2019.696
Behrens BA, Klose C, Thürer SE, Heimes N, Uhe J. Numerical modeling of the development of intermetallic layers between aluminium and steel during co-extrusion. in Arrazola P, Saenz de Argandona E, Otegi N, Mendiguren J, Saez de Buruaga M, Madariaga A, Galdos L, Hrsg., Proceedings of the 22nd International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming: ESAFORM 2019. American Institute of Physics Inc. 2019. 040029. (AIP Conference Proceedings; 1). doi: 10.1063/1.5112563
Behrens BA, Chugreev A, Jalanesh M, Wölki K, Bohne F. Parametrisation of a numerical model for a partial heating strategy used to evaluate a masking concept of a hot stamping process. in Proceedings 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. TANGER Ltd. 2019. S. 320-325. (Metal Conference Proceedings). doi: 10.37904/metal.2019.684
Behrens BA, Brunotte K, Lippold L. Shearing of Aluminium Rods for the Production of Billets for Bulk Metal Forming Operations. in Chaari F, Barkallah M, Zouari B, Haddar M, Khabou MT, Bouguecha A, Kchaou M, Hrsg., Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, A3M 2018. 1. Aufl. Springer Nature. 2019. S. 133-141. (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME)). doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-24247-3_15
Behrens BA, Breidenstein B, Duran D, Herbst S, Lachmayer R, Löhnert S et al. Simulation-Aided Process Chain Design for the Manufacturing of Hybrid Shafts. HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials. 2019 Apr 3;74(2):115-135. doi: 10.3139/105.110378
Behrens BA, Bonhage M, Bohr D, Duran D. Simulation Assisted Process Development for Tailored Forming. in Kawalla R, Prahl U, Schmidtchen M, Kaden N, Hrsg., Simulation-Based Technology Development for Material Forming. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 2019. S. 101-111. (Materials Science Forum). doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.949.101
Behrens BA, Bonhage M, Ursinus J. Sinter-forging of a graded MMC wear component. in Proceedings 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials . TANGER Ltd. 2019. S. 556-561. (Metal 2019 Conference Proceedings). doi: 10.37904/metal.2019.710
Behrens BA, Chugreev A, Dykiert M. Stress-state dependent fracture characterisation and modelling of an AZ31 magnesium sheet alloy at elevated temperatures. Procedia Manufacturing. 2019;29:450-457. Epub 2019 Apr 4. doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.02.161, 10.15488/10886
Behrens BA, Relge R. Verbesserung der Duktilität durch Kornfeinung: Entwicklung eines isothermen ECAP-Werkzeugs zur Umformung von Eisen-Aluminium-Legierungen. wt Werkstattstechnik online. 2019;109(10):770-776. doi: 10.37544/1436-4980-2019-10-74
Bouguecha A, Behrens BA, Lerch M. Femoral Postoperative Bone Adaptation – Numerical Calculation and Clinical Validation with DEXA Investigations. in CoTuMe 2018: Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics . Pleiades Publishing. 2019. S. 3-15. (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering). doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-19781-0_1
Bruns C, Bohne F, Micke-Camuz M, Behrens BA, Raatz A. Heated gripper concept to optimize heat transfer of fiber-reinforced-thermoplastics in automated thermoforming processes. Procedia CIRP. 2019;79:331-336. Epub 2019 Mär 13. doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.077, 10.15488/10446
Dean A, Rolfes R, Grbic N, Hübner S, Behrens BA. A FEM-based virtual test-rig for hybrid metal-composites clinching joints. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2019 Aug 7;50(8):973-986. Epub 2019 Jul 31. doi: 10.1002/mawe.201800198
Dean A, Grbic N, Rolfes R, Behrens B. Macro-mechanical modeling and experimental validation of anisotropic, pressure- and temperature-dependent behavior of short fiber composites. Composite Structures. 2019 Dez 23;211:630-643. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.12.045
Dröder K, Behrens BA, Bohne F, Chugreev A, Schulze H, Wonnenberg B. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Thermoplastics in Multi-Axis Forming Processes. Procedia CIRP. 2019;85:95-100. Epub 2019 Dez 30. doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.09.024
Fries S, Nguyen QT, Altan L, Friesen D, Krimm R, Behrens BA. Autoadaptive Minimization of Transfer System Oscillations. in Wulfsberg JP, Hintze W, Behrens BA, Hrsg., Production at the leading edge of technology: Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology 8WGP). Hamburg: Springer Vieweg. 2019. S. 121-139 doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-60417-5_12
Gerstein G, Acar S, Herbst S, Lorenz U, Malik IY, Behrens BA. Characterization of a modified hot-working steel with increased wear resistance. in Broeckmann C, Hrsg., Tooling 2019 conference & exhibition. 2019. S. 63-63
Gerstein G, Behrens BA, Puppa JH, Acar S, Nuernberger F, Lorenz U. Development of an intelligent hot-working steel to increase the tool wear resistance. in Broeckmann C, Hrsg., Tooling 2019 conference & exhibition. 2019. S. 64-64
Hedicke-Claus Y, Langner J, Stonis M, Behrens BA. Klassifizierung von Schmiedeteilen mittels KNN: KI erlaubt automatisierte Erkennung und Einteilung von geometrischen komplexen Schmiedebauteilen . wt Werkstattstechnik online. 2019;109(11-12):822-827. doi: 10.37544/1436-4980-2019-11-12-24