Showing results 821 - 823 out of 823
Behrens BA, Haller B, Fischer D. Thixoforging of Steel Using Ceramic Tool Materials. Steel research international. 2004 Aug;75(8-9):561-568. doi: 10.1002/srin.200405811
Behrens BA, Doege E, Springub B. Transformation Induced Martensite Evolution in Metal Forming Processes of Stainless Steels. Steel research international. 2004 Jul;75(7):475-482. doi: 10.1002/srin.200405799
Doege E, Behrens BA. Reduce process chains due to the precision forging of gears-effect on the conventional forging technology. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1997 Nov 1;71(1):14-17. doi: 10.1016/S0924-0136(97)00114-3